Friday 22 June 2012

The story behind the DIY

Jason and I got engaged in November 2011. We are getting married on August 26, 2012.
I always knew that I didn't want a long engagement. I used to think that I will get married two or three months after the engagement. I'm so glad I didn't go with that timeline now! I'm convinced you never know how much work planning a wedding is until you actually plan one. Once you get all the big things sorted out, like finding a venue, the perfect dress, the photographer, etc, you realize that there is at least a thousand of tiny little details that still need to be figured out and done, like table numbers and a pen for the guestbook. It probably makes it easier if you can afford a wedding planner to help you with getting ready for your big day, however, not everyone can do it. From the start I knew that we wanted to pay for all the wedding expenses ourselves, with no help from parents or other relatives. That put us on a budget. A budget meant no wedding planner and a lot of DIY projects. Slowly over the months my idea of a DIY vintage wedding took form and even though I am still in the process of planning, and painting, and gluing, and sewing, it is all finally coming together. I have always loved crafts, so even though it was (and still is) a lot of work and effort I am really enjoying this one big wedding project of mine. Making everything (or almost everything) myself for the wedding makes it that much more special. Every little thing has a meaning and a story behind it.
Of course, while looking up ideas and inspirations for my projects I had to do some research and learn as I went. In this blog I want to share everything that I learned and all the amazing ideas I came along in my search.
If you are planning a wedding of your own, or helping a friend with their DIY wedding, or just are into crafts and all things wedding, I hope you find my blog useful. Thanks for reading and happy planning!